Section 8 Waitlist Scheduled to Open 4/16/2025

Accepting Section 8 Applications 4/16/2025

Flagler/Clay  County  Housing  Authority will  be  accepting  applications  online  for the 

Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List beginning at 8:30 AM on Monday, April 16, 2025.  It will remain

open until 250 applications have been received.

Applications  can  be  accessed  online  and or the link

may be accessed through our website at

Applications  can  only be provided online or by advanced written request to the Flagler County

Housing Authority, P.O. Box 188, Bunnell, FL 32110-0188. Paper applications are offered as a

Reasonable Accommodation for  elderly  and  disabled  applicants ONLY with  verification of 

Social  Security Income (letter must be dated within 60 days) and current ID.  The  submission

deadline for paper applications given out as a reasonable accommodation is April 14, 2025.

Once the waiting list is closed, applicants will be placed in ranking order according to date and

time of application.


To ensure availability and access to the online system, the Flagler County Housing Authority will

have 2 computers available at our Flagler Office Resource Center, 502 South Bacher St.  Bunnell, FL

32110 from 8:30am-10:30am.

Applicant Portal

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