Portability/Voucher Transfer

What is Portability/Voucher Transfer?

One of the features of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is the mobility of the assistance. Section 8(r) of The United States Housing Act of 1937 provides that Section 8/housing choice voucher participants may transfer to housing authority anywhere in the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands provided the housing authority administering the tenant-based program has jurisdiction over the area where the participant wants to transfer. The term "portability" refers to the process of leasing or purchasing a dwelling unit with housing voucher tenant-based assistance outside of the jurisdiction of the housing authority that initially issues the household its voucher (the Initial Public Housing Agency). Program regulations covering where a household may move and the responsibilities of the Initial Public Housing Agency and the Receiving Public Housing Agency (the Public Housing Agency with jurisdiction over the area to which the household moves) are found at 24 CFR sections 982.353 through 982.355.

Who is eligible?

Current voucher holders

What is the process?

STEP 1: Notify your current Housing Agency to inform them you want to PORT to the Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority
You should notify your Initial Housing Authority (IHA) to let them know you want to move to our jurisdiction. Your agency is the "Initial Agency" if you plan to port to the Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority. The Initial Housing Agency (IHA) must mail the Portability Packet to the following address:

Flagler County Housing Authority
Attention: Portability
P.O. Box 188
Bunnell, FL 32110
or email hcvadmin@flaglerhousing.org

Portability Packets will not be accepted if faxed or hand carried by the participant. It may take up to 10 business days for the Portability Department to receive your paperwork in the office. To check your status, you can contact the Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority at 386-437-3221 Ext. 303 to see if your portability packet has been received. You can also check your status by emailing .

STEP 2: Portability Intake Process
In order to receive an appointment for your Voucher and Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) Packet, you must complete a Port-in packet and return the packet and required documents to the Flagler County Housing Authority by mail at P.O. Box 188, Bunnell, FL 32110, by fax at 386-437-2311, or by email to
hcvadmin@flaglerhousing.org. EACH PAGE MUST BE COMPLETE. Once you have returned the completed packet and documents listed below, you will be given an appointment to come in and pick up your voucher and RFTA. Please keep in mind this process will not change the expiration date on the voucher. The Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority will extend the voucher issued by the Initial agency by a period of 30 calendar days.

STEP 3: You Must Confirm That Your Port Papers Have Been Received
Once your portability papers have been received, your Intake packet can be either faxed or emailed. You must complete the packet and return it back to our office at the address or fax number previously referenced.

Intake phone interviews are scheduled after all required documents have been received.

You will be given an appointment for a phone interview after your completed Portability Intake Packet has been received.

Required documents in order of scheduling:
  1. A person with disabilities may bring someone with them to assist with reading, completing documents and/or understanding the intake process, etc.
  2. If you need a translator or reasonable accommodations, inform the Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority's Staff at the time when you are given your appointment for interview.
  3. You must attach copies of the following items to your Portability Intake Packet:
    1. Current valid photo identification for all adults, 18 and over
    2. Original Birth certificates for everyone in the household
    3. Original Social Security cards for everyone in the household
    4. Proof of any and all income sources
    5. If you claim NO INCOME, you will be required to complete a zero-income form
  • All adults 18 years and over listed in the household composition must come to the interview.
  • If you have a Reasonable Accommodation, please bring documentation with you. Your Initial Housing Agency must have it documented in your portability packet.

  • Some documents may be sent by the IHA; i.e. Photo ID for other adults not head of household, birth certificates, social security cards, income, Declaration of Citizenship, etc. If these documents are not sent by the IHA, the participant must provide the original documents.
The Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority does not determine the eligibility of the portable household; you have been determined eligible by your Initial Housing Agency. Our responsibility, as the receiving PHA, is to make sure that all documentation, signatures and/or verification required by this Agency and HUD are in the participant's file.

The Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority may reject households that have been involved in drug related or violent criminal activities within the last five (5) years.

It is our policy to deny program participation to families who have criminal activities within five (5) years as indicated above. If you or any household member has any arrest and/or violent criminal activities within the last five (5) years, your portability may be denied and your port papers will be returned to your Initial Housing Agency. If you are denied, you have the right to request an informal hearing. However, the clock will continue ticking on your voucher.

STEP 4: Briefing & Voucher Issuance
Once the interview has been completed and all documents are in your file, the household will receive a briefing. The Housing Choice Voucher, Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA), and other documents will be issued at the Section 8 Portability Briefing. The bedroom size on your voucher will be changed to the occupancy standards approved by the Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority’s Administrative Plan. The Voucher issued by the Flagler/Clay County Housing Authority will expire 30 days after the voucher issued by the initial agency.

If you currently have a reasonable accommodation, please have your Initial Housing Authority to send supporting documentation in the portability packet.


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