Carver Village’s Our House Resource Center
The resource center in Carver Village is known as “Our House”. Our House Resource Center is operated by Flagler County Housing Authority and is a place provided to empower, encourage and enrich the lives of the Public Housing residents.Carver Village’s Our House Resource Center
Our House is the epicenter for the residents as well as those in the surrounding community. The center is a vital one-stop-shop for community members to access resources/referrals in the areas of health, education, youth and senior programs, and have a safe place to participate in recreational activities and special events.
Please stop by to find out about ways to get involved in different programs and initiatives sponsored by Our House.
The purpose of Our House is to promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources, for supportive services and resident empowerment activities. These services enable participating families to increase earned income, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance, make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency, or, in the case of elderly or disabled residents, help improve living conditions and enable residents to age-in-place.
The representative for Our House is Jacqueline Garcia. Her title is ROSS Coordinator. ROSS stands for Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency. The purpose of the ROSS Service Coordinator is to assess the needs of residents of conventional Public Housing and coordinate available resources in the community to meet those needs.
Our House is located next door to the Flagler County Housing Authority at:
502 S. Bacher Street
Bunnell, FL 32110
Community Organizations & Info
Homeless Shelters
Family Life Center(Abuse): 386-437-3505
Star Shelter: 386-252-9400
Palmetto House: 386-253-4895
Comm. Connection: 904-350-9949
Transition Housing: 386-503-0445
Advocacy for Disabled: 800-342-0823
Bella Vista: 386-437-6923
Disability Solutions: 386-255-1812
Social Security: 800-772-1213
Home Ownership
Mid FL Housing: 386-274-4441
Ship: 386-313-4037
Financial Assistance
Catholic Charities: 904-829-6300
Human Services: 386-589-2324
N E Community Action: 386-313-2506
Salvation Army: 386-437-0029
Mother Seaton: 386-445-5741
Children and Families: 386-437-7330
St. Vincent De Paul: 386-338-4916
Halifax Urban Ministries: 386-252-0156
FC Resource Center: 386-437-7373
Food for the Soul: 386-437-2821
Mother Seaton: 386-445-5741
First United Methodist: 000-000-0000
St Ann’s Pantry St Mary’s: 000-000-0000
FB United Methodist Church: 386-439-2160
FB First Baptist: 386-439-3834
Jewish Fed. of Flagler: 386-672-0294
Church on the Rock: 000-000-0000
Human Services: 386-586-2324 ext:325
Flagler Free Clinic: 386-437-3091
Florida Kid Care: 000-000-0000
FC Health Dept.: 386-437-7350
Azalea Health: 386-246-3954
Children and Families: 386-437-7330
FC Comm. Service: 386-589-2324 opt: 1
Shine (Health INS Needs): 904-391-6600
FC Council on Aging: 386-586-2324
FC Transportation: 386-313-4100
FC Veterans Service: 386-313-4014
Information & Referral
United Way: 386-437-0730
FC Community Services: 386-586-2324
2-1-1 Helpline
WIC: 386-437-7294
Healthy Start Volusia/Flagler: 386-252-5277
Our House Announcements

January 6, 2020 3:30pm-4:30pm In the Youth Garden next to OUR HOUSE.

Groceries are available at the OUR HOUSE food pantry. Come by and see what is